Robert Siegel
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Buenos Aires
May 25-29, 2006
Hanging out in Caminito
Slip sliding away in BA
Obliquely observing the obelisk
Green light - uh oh, I am out of here.
Dancing in the streets
Hot time in Buenos Aires
It is always a good time for a demonstration in Buenos Aires
Living the wild life in BA
Teatro Colón
Little park of horrors
If the Sydney Opera House gave birth
Opera Bay
Yo Tengo!
Finding our South American roots
"Buenos Aires"
This self-portrait, taken at the Congresso with a ten second timer delay, resulted in the first flying related
injury, when I crushed the small person below me upon landing.
More buenos aires in Buenos Aires
Another self-portrait - in this case I had difficulty in holding the camera level and jumping at the same time.
Taken at the harp-shaped bridge in Puerto Madero - the weight is all suspended from one bank!
Milking the experience
"To the cows of Argentina"
Finally flagging
Other Argentina pages
Buenos Aires 2013
Usuaia 2013
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modified: January 1, 2014
renamed: January 1, 2014 (from bapix.html)
created: May 30, 2006