© Robert Siegel
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Ed Levin County Park

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+ June 1, 2024 - with Atharva


June 1, 2024 - with Atharva

Black-headed grosbeak

Ed Levin County Park 2024

Black-headed grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus)
Family: Cardinalidae (cardinals and grossbeaks)
Ed Levin County Park
June 1, 2024
Canon R5


Blue grosbeak

Ed Levin County Park 2024

Blue grosbeak (Passerina caerulea)
Family: Cardinalidae (cardinals and grossbeaks)
Ed Levin County Park
June 1, 2024
Canon R5


Rufous-crowned sparrow

Ed Levin County Park 2024

Rufous-crowned sparrow (Aimophila ruficeps)
Family: Passerellidae (New World sparrows)
Ed Levin County Park
June 1, 2024
Canon R5


Ed Levin County Park visits

+ June 1, 2024 - with Atharva


Other relevant pages
+ Lichens
+ Blue Oak Ranch Reserve
+ Alum Rock State Park
+ Alum Rock State Park 2021
+ Palo Alto Baylands - earlier photos - up through 2013


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Last modified: June 4, 2024
Created: June 3, 2024 (from alumrock2024.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.