Robert Siegel
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California Lichen Society (CALS) Road trip 2024

January 2-28, 2024

+ Itinerary

CALS group photo


Sedgwick Reserve
January 27, 2024
Canon 7D Mark II


Related pages

+ Sedgwick Reserve
+ Toro Canyon
+ Figueroa Mountain trail
+ Gaviota State Beach
+ Pismo Beach
+ Morro Bay
+ Piedras Blancas
+ Los Alamos
+ San Luis Obispo (SLO)
+ Lichens
+ Monarch butterflies
+ Elephant seals



The Trip Itinerary - January 25 - January 28, 2024

+ January 25, 2024 - Palo Alto to Buelton

Leave Palo Alto after 1
stop at Robert's Camp rest stop
Drive to Buelton
Check into hotel - Quality Inn Buellton
Dinner at California Taco (enchiladas) in Buelton with Kathy
Back to hotel
stop at Robert's Camp rest stop

+ January 26, 2024 - Buelton

Breakfast at Hotel
Drive to Toro Canyon
Picnic lunch with group
Gaviota Beach with Kathy
stay till park closure at sunset
Drive back to hotel

+ January 27, 2024 - Buelton

Breakfast at Hotel
Drive Sedgwick
Group photo
Drive to Figueroa Mountain
Hike up to top
Picnic lunch en route
Back to Sedgwick for meeting, talk, potluck
Drive back to hotel in Buelton with Kathy
Ramen and snacks for dinner

+ January 28, 2024 - Buelton to Palo Alto

Breakfast at Hotel
Los Alamos - Bob's Well Bread Bakery - canelé, scone, kouign-amann, almond pastery
Kathy and Tom arrived as I was leaving
Pismo Beach - monarch grove
San Luis Obispo (SLO)
Morro Bay - birds, otters
Piedras Blancas - elephant seals - until sunset
Stop for gas
Finish drive to Palo Alto


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Last modified: February 2, 2024
Created: January 31, 2024 (from california/sedgwick.html)
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.