Summer - 1998 - Autumn

      The Lorry Lokey Stanford Environmental Internship Program and 
    The Bowen H. and Janice Arthur McCoy Charitable Foundation Stanford		

		at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

            S.F. Bay Area (Oakland), CA and Washington D.C.

			*	*	*

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF): EDF is a non-profit conservation
organization that employ scientists, economists, attorneys, computer
modelers, and other environmental professionals who seek innovative
solutions to a wide array of environmental problems.  EDF successes
include securing a nationwide ban of DDT, winning a 90% reduction of lead
additives in gasoline, and playing a key role in reauthorization of the
Clean Air Act.  EDF worked with McDonald's (fast food) Corporation to
create a waste reduction program that included a phaseout of the
polystyrene "clamshell" package and increased use of recycled materials.
EDF has over 300,000 members nationwide, with offices in New York,
Washington, DC, North Carolina, Texas, Colorado, and California.  Staff in
EDF's West Coast office work to protect and restore water resources and
threatened populations of fish and wildlife, control toxic chemicals,
improve air quality, promote energy efficiency and recycling, and monitor
international issues.  More information on EDF can be found in the
"reference folder" in the Human Biology Office.

The Lokey and McCoy Internship Programs:  The Lorry Lokey Stanford
Environmental Internship Program and the Bowen H. and Janice Arthur McCoy
Charitable Foundation Stanford Internships will support the internships of
four Stanford University students at EDF in 1998.  These EDF internships
offer a unique education experience.  Interns work directly with experts
in science, law, economics, computer modeling, public education, and other
disciplines.  In addition, interns learn about a wide range of
environmental issues and gain experience in innovative ways to address
those problems.  Interns develop skills and gain experience that can serve
them well in their future professional careers.

Lokey and McCoy Interns help further EDF's environmental protection goals
by researching and analyzing data, writing reports, and attending meetings
and conferences.  In the past three years, interns have helped EDF's
efforts to protect endangered species, reduce human exposure to toxic
chemicals, address international environmental issues, and protect salmon
and other threatened fish population in California and the Pacific

How the Internship Program Works  Lokey and McCoy Internships last for one
academic quarter (summer or fall) and can be structured in one of two

Option One:  Human Biology/4 credits/120 hours/3 weeks plus 7-8 week paid
internship.  An intern can spend a 10-week academic quarter working
full-time at an EDF office.  For the first three weeks (120 hours) of the
internship, the intern will receive 4 units of academic credit (Pass/No
Pass) that satisfy the internship requirement of the Human Biology
Department.  For the remaining seven/eight weeks of the internship, the
intern will receive a stipend of $300 per week.  Time periods will be
arranged on a mutual agreement between EDF and intern.

Option Two:  Paid Summer Internship/8 weeks/ No Academic Credit.  The
intern receives a stipend of $300 per week.  Time of internship will be
mutually agreeable upon EDF and intern.

How to Apply for an Internship  Students can pick up an application form
and a list of 1998 internship opportunities in the Human Biology
Department office (Building 80) at Stanford University.  Applicants should
complete the application form and attach a cover letter, resume,
transcript of grades, and writing sample.  Completed applications should
be submitted to Professor Russ Fernald, Director of the Human Biology
Program, by Thursday, May 21, 1998.  Final decisions will be made within
one or two weeks.

All students in Human Biology are eligible.  EDF seeks a diverse
workplace.  Students with financial need are encouraged to apply.

These internships are made possible by the support of Stanford Alumnae
Lorry Lokey of San Francisco, CA and the Bowen H. McCoy and Janice Arthur
McCoy Charitable Foundation of Los Angeles, CA.  The internships are
coordinated by Tom Huntington, Development Director, Western Region in
EDF's West Coast Office in Oakland, CA.

Descriptions of 1998 Environmental Defense Fund/Stanford Internships

During 1998, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) will award four
internships (of the six below) to undergraduate or recent graduate
students in Human Biology from Stanford University.  Interns may work on
any of the following projects at the locations listed.  Students rank
their preferred internships (see application), and EDF and Stanford
faculty match student to appropriate internship.  Because of the number of
applicants and the limited number (4) of internships available, we are not
able to award internships to all those who apply.

** Internships in EDF's West Coast Office (Oakland, CA)**

1. International Program -- Protecting Rivers and Wetland in Developing
Countries - World Commission on Dams (WCD)   
EDF Scientist Deborah Moore has recently been appointed to the World
Commission on Dams - launched by, but wholly independent of, the World
Bank and the World Conservation Union/IUCN.  The WCD is a result of the
growing controversies surrounding the world's countless existing and
proposed dams and water development projects, from the Auburn (CA), Glen
Canyon (AZ/UT), and Columbia River (Pacific Northwest) dams in the
American west to the Three Gorges, Narmada, Bakun, Pangue, and Katse dams
in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.  There are more than 300 major dams
and more than 40,000 large dams worldwide, which have provided water for
irrigation, industrial, municipal and hydropower uses and have displaced
upwards of 30 million people, cost billions of dollars, endangered
one-fifth of the world's freshwater fish, and destroyed irreplaceable
wetlands areas. 

The internship will involve working with Deborah Moore to support her
efforts within the WCD.  Work will involve evaluating the social,
environmental, and economic impacts of large dams around the world,
researching information about 50 possible case studies of dams in
different regions, alternatives to dams, and dam removal issues; writing
public information materials; networking and reaching out to NGOs,
academics, experts, and media around the world; organizing computer-based
materials and interactive communications.  Out of these assessments, the
WCD will develop an internationally-acceptable set of guidelines and
standards for future water development projects, and guidelines for dam
safety and dam removal.  The Commission's final report and recommendations
will be delivered to the global community in the year 2000.  An intern's
work products and tasks will include writing memos, issues papers, fact
sheets, and press materials; networking with other groups via phone and
email; organizing information and correspondence; and handling logistics
for Commission meetings, public hearings, and expert panels.  Internship
available Summer or Fall of 1998.

2.  Environmental and Human Health Program - EDF Website Research and
Technically savvy environmental intern needed!  The Environmental Health
Program at EDF just launched a unique new internet service called
Scorecard ( that provides localized information on
pollution and health risks and we need energetic people to help us manage
and expand it.  The project is large and open enough that the intern could
choose to work on any one of the following areas depending on interest and
skills:  work with other community-based organizations in the Bay Area to
develop a tutorial for the Scorecard so that novice computer users can
take advantage of this complex and powerful resource; finding and
acquiring electronic data sets that expand the Scorecard's scope of
pollution sources; expanding EDF's capacity to use information
technologies for environmental benefit by researching what we can achieve
with our newly acquired audience and what would be required for other
programs within EDF to use a similar internet-based strategy; applying
database skills to develop new Scorecard modules.  

The intern should be very comfortable with Windows platforms (95/NT), and
have experience with database applications.  Hands-on experience with MS
Access and SQL programming desired and other programming skills related to
UNIX or tcl/tk also sought.  Interest in pollution prevention and
sustainability indicators a plus.  The intern will be supervised by EDF
Environmental Health Engineer Ken Leiserson and EDF Senior Scientist Bill
Pease, Ph.D.  Internship available in the Summer or Fall of 1998.

3. Oceans Program - Researching Ocean Fisheries and the Establishment of
Marine Reserves
EDF seeks an intern to work on projects to establish marine reserves and
reform fisheries management off the Pacific coast of the United States.
The intern would also help scope the potential for EDF projects in other
parts of the Pacific.  We would prefer students with course work and
research experience relevant to marine ecology, fishery dynamics, marine
reserve design, or related fields.  The intern will be supervised by EDF
Senior Scientist Rod Fujita, Ph.D.  This internship is available in the
Summer or Fall of 1998.

4.  Development/Public Education Program - Cataloging and modernizing
EDF's Film/Video/Slide and Printed Public Education Materials.  
EDF's Development Department seeks a student interested in communications
and public education who will set up a library and resource center of
EDF's film and printed educational and development materials.  These
materials will focus on numerous EDF programs including Western Water
Resources, Environment and Human Health, Transportation, Oceans, Energy,
and the International environmental issues.  This intern will be
supervised by EDF Development Director, Western Region, Tom Huntington.
Available in the Summer or Fall of 1998.

** Internships in Capitol Office (Washington, DC)**

5. International Program - Research and Communications with NGO's in
The EDF International Program is seeking an intern with some Portuguese
language skills to research export credit agency involvement in
infrastructure development in Brazil. The project will involve
interviewing World Bank and InterAmerican Development Bank staff,
attending NGO (non governmental organization) meetings, and reviewing
official Brazilian government publications and web sites in order to
understand and track infrastructure development plans (in the Amazon in
particular) and analyze patterns of international financing for them. The
project will include a search of Portuguese language financial
publications. The results will be used to inform Brazilian environmental,
indigenous and indigenous rights organizations of infrastructure
development plans and their possible international financing mechanisms,
as well as to develop case studies for EDF advocacy on the environmental
and social policies of the export credit agencies.  The intern will be
supervised by EDF anthropologist Stephan Schwartzman, Ph.D.  This
internship is available in the Summer and Fall of 1998

6.  Wildlife Program - Research and Implementation of Endangered Species
and Wildlife Protection Plans   
The expected work plan for the intern would be to assist Senior Attorney
Michael Bean, Senior Ecologist David Wilcove, Program Associate Margaret
McMillan, and Economist Robert Bonnie with research and implementation of
programs related to endangered species conservation, restoration of
habitat, and related topics.  In addition, the intern may be asked to
attend Congressional hearings, to assist in researching and writing
Congressional testimony, and to help evaluate proposed legislation.
Students with backgrounds in biology, economics, or related disciplines
would be particularly valuable to us.  The intern should be a self-starter
who can work independently.  Available in the Summer or Fall of 1998.

 Application Form
1998 Stanford Internships at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

The Lorry Lokey Stanford Environmental Internship Program and the Bowen H.
and Janice Arthur McCoy Charitable Foundation Stanford Internships are
available to undergraduate students in Stanford University's Program in
Human Biology.  Students spend the summer or one quarter working on
environmental science, policy, law or education projects at the
Environmental Defense Fund, working under the supervision of EDF's
professional staff.  The 1998 internship opportunities at EDF are
described on pages 3-5.

To apply for a 1998 internship, please complete this application form and
1)  this form
2)  a cover letter describing why you are interested in an EDF internship,
and what classes you have taken or other experience you have which is
related to environmental issues; 
3)  a resume
4)  your transcript of grades
5)  a writing sample
Completed applications should be submitted to Dr. Russ Fernald in the
Human Biology office by Thursday, May 21, 1998.

E-mail:	_______________________________________________________________

I.  Please review the attached description of 1998 Internship
Opportunities (page 3), and list your top three choices below:
 First Choice:__________________________________________________________
 Second Choice:________________________________________________________
 Third Choice:_________________________________________________________
II.  When would you like to have your internship take place?
 _______ Summer Quarter, 1998          _______ Fall Quarter, 1998
III.  Please review the description of the Lokey and McCoy Internship
Programs at EDF (see Page 2), and indicate whether you prefer:
 _______ Option 1 (120 hours/4 credits plus 7-8 week paid internship)
 _______ Option 2 (Paid Internship/No Credit)
