Robert Siegel
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Jasper Ridge Docent class
(chronologically reversed)
Jasper Ridge 2008 - 2010
Jasper Ridge 2011
Jasper Ridge 2012
Jasper Ridge 2013
Jasper Ridge - thematically oriented
Jasper Ridge mushrooms only
Jasper Ridge docent class
Jasper Ridge -
other adventures
Docent class 2009
April 2, 2009
John waxes eloquent on grass
Dodecatheon duo
April 2, 2009
Floral week
March 12, 2009
Katherine Preston describes the many ways to violate a
Getting passionate about flowers
Toni Corelli "reflects" on floral anatomy
Cutting edge science
Asteraciae bisected
Agapanthus in a dish
Razing questions about flowers
Flowers fileted
Annie's analysis
Carol sees a Who.
Kathrine Preston determines Whose Who.
When sunflowers tell jokes
Iris unveiled
Cervine predator
March 12, 2009
Research week
March 5, 2009
Rodolfo embraces the healthy herb
Becca and Kenji compare notes
Fremont's Star Lily
Zygadenus fremontii
Striped coralroot orchid
Corallorhiza striata
Afternoon luminousity
Love those falls - each week the fury increases
Headwaters of the mighty San Francisquito
Archeology week
February 26, 2009
Laura Jones presentation is Costa Knowin'
Stone tools / modern hands
Bob get handy with his photography
Shades of the rainforest at Stanford
A flower that is one in a trillium
February 19, 2009
Team toxico
The tech news is good.
Eight eyes
In the Noa
Shooting star
Jumpin' Jasper
February 12, 2009
Oh dear! Tracks!
Dam! (watered down)
Leaf skeletized
The pecker's granary
Hand to jowl
Fearless leader
Earth star
"Two in the hand are worth..."
Mad roan
Circular logic
Ant monkey
The Dirty Business of Soil Science
February 5, 2009
Scott Fendorf has a soiled reputation
A muddied approach
Falling open to the dirtiest page in the soil color match book
Ana soils herself
The pressure of studying hydraulics
January 29, 2009
Maxed out
Jenny wonders "Water we learning about."
Boring wood work
Another dam reflection
Rockin' out at Jasper Ridge with Gary Ernst
January 15, 2009
The real tafoni
Looking for vein in chert
If I had a hammer
Docent novitiate
January 8, 2009
Off the beaten track
Leafing the trail
Dammed at Jasper Ridge
Leaving local culture Ohlone
Shooting forth
Indian Warrior
Pedicularis densiflora
Buckeye breakthrough
Aesculus californica
Lichen everything I see
A hankerin' for venison
More nature pix
Other links
Henry Coe flowers
Stanford trees
Stanford birds
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Modified: March 17, 2014
Created: November 28, 2009
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu