Robert Siegel

Issues of Development in Northern Tanzania
September 2006

overarching theme: development versus culture

1 Nada Boutros tba
2 Sasha Buscho The Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS)
3 Peter Chang The role of good governance/corruption upon development in Tanzania
4 Josh Harder tba
5 Kellen Klein Westernization of the Maasai people and the balance they are struggling to find between their traditional culture and the attractions of the modern world
6 Aaron Kofman HIV orphans in Tanzania
7 Uriel Manzo tba
8 Aalap Narichania tba
9 Divya Nettimi tba
10 Sylviah Nyamu tba
11 Marci Pepper Issues of biomedical ethics in Tanzania
12 Elizabeth Reuman tba
13 Alicia Riley TB in northern Tanzania...especially looking at TB in relation to the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS and comparisons with US/Mexican border health.
14 Rachelle Strickfaden water in Tanzania (seasonal flooding, droughts, unique access to so many lakes, hydropower, etc.)
15 Marcus Williams tba

Additional topics

Land ownership and use
Public transportation
Schools and education
The United Nations in Arusha
The effects of linguistic diversity
the San and other Tanzania bush tribes
Primary and/or secondary education
Higher education
Religion and culture especially the impact of Christian versus Islamic traditions
Impact of malaria
Standard of living and the distribution of wealth
Traditional medicine
The impact of colonialism in Tanzania
PEPFAR and the role out antiretrovirals
The positive and negative impacts of NGOs
The positive and negative impacts of philanthropic foundations
Farming or other specific industries
Large game hunting
Brain drain
Conceptions and misconceptions in art, literature, and journalism
The impact of cell phones, internet, or other technologies
Is Tanzania becoming flat? (a la Thomas Friedman)
The impact of national governance in Tanzania
The impact of local governance in Tanzania

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Last modified: July 22, 2006
Created: July 22, 2006