Robert Siegel
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Hamerkop (or Hammerkop)
Order: Pelicaniformes
Family: Scopidae
Genus: Scopus
Species: Scopus umbretta
NB: The classification if hamerkops is currently in flux.
In Wikipedia, even the spelling of Hamerkop is highly inconsistent between pages.
I have gone with the pelicaniformes classification which seems to be supported by DNA homology analysis.
The two species of hamerkop do seem to form a unique group at the family level.
Hamerkop ()
Family: Scopidae
Boteliers Kop Game Reserve, South Africa
January 24, 2016
Kop with a hamer
Hammerhead bird
Other Pelecaniformes
Pelecanidae: Pelicans
Ardeidae: Herons, Egrets, Bitterns
Threskiornithidae: Ibis
Scopidae: Hamerkop
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Last modified: March 25, 2016
Created: January 10, 2013 (from pelican.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
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