List of possible activities for course
(Please see important notes below.)
Revise paper from The Vaccine Revolution
Attend infectious disease grand rounds - Thursday afternoons
Attend infectious disease working rounds as observer
Create virus related web materials
Create virus instructional media or reference lists
Compile lists of virus related web pages
Virus related models, cartoons, and/or artwork
Essays on the personal impact of viral diseases
Proctoring virus tutorial for students who have not taken
Vaccine Revolution
Attendance of infectious disease related seminars
(with 1 page write-up and/or brief oral recapitulation)
Oral presentation of primary literature (a la The Vaccine
One page review of primary scientific literature
Review paper of the primary scientific literature on a highly
focused topic
(a la The Vaccine Revolution)
Infectious disease related technical book review (see below)
Infectious disease related popular book review (see below)
Presentation at the HIV journal club
Work on HIV resource web page
Brief oral update(s) on current event in infectious disease
(from ProMED or elsewhere)
Thesis related projects
(Please do not use this to get double credit for
specific thesis related projects.)
- literature reviews
- work updates
Work on Impact of AIDS book
- editing
- updating
- synthesizing
- contacting publishers
HIV-related public service activities
Content updating for Humans and Viruses syllabus
Content updating for The Infectious Basis of Disease syllabus
Content updating for The Infectious Basis of Disease
clinicopathologic correlates (CPCs)
Content updating for the Microbe program
Completion of additional Humans and Viruses extra credit problems
Review of cloning literature
Create cloning related web materials
create cloning instructional media or reference lists
Compile lists of cloning related web pages
Assist with research and/or writing molecular virology book chapter
Important notes:
Students should write up a specific and detailed (though not
necessarily lengthy) contract regarding the number of units AND the
specific in class and out of class activities that you propose to do in
conjunction with the class. Activities may be from the above list or they
may be of your own creation.
As a rough guideline, each unit should be equivalent to 3-4 hours of work
per week including the two hour class session.
Suggested books for review
Technical Books
Molecular Virology
Medical Virology, White and Fenner
Virus X Frank Ryan
Working on a Miracle Mahlon Johnson
Deadly Feasts Richard Rhodes - about prions and CJD
Level 4- Virus Hunters of the CDC McCormick and Fisher-Hoch
Please email me with additional suggestions regarding the course.
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Last modified: March 31, 1997