© Robert Siegel
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Meal worm

Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Tenebrionidae
Genus: Tenebrio
Species: Tenebrio molitor


A whole meal in itself

hayden stunt

Meal worm (Tenebrio molitor)
Tree week 2018
February 19, 2018
Band Shak
Canon 7D markII

Hayden's Stunt

hayden stunt

Hayden's Stunt
Tree week 2018
Meal worm (Tenebrio molitor)
February 19, 2018
Band Shak
Canon 7D markII

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Modified: February 20, 2018
created: February 20, 2018 (from mealy.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.