Robert Siegel
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Darwin in Europe
Darwin in South America
Darwin in North America
Darwin in Australia
Darwin in Antaractica
Darwin in Africa
Darwin in Asia
Darwin in Oceania
Darwin in Europe
Darwin in Great Britain
The Captain and Charles
"Wedged" in
The Darwin of Joy
The Wedgwood museum
Barleston, England
Darwin in Asia
Continental drift - Darwin does Bhutan
April 16, 2008
Darwin in Africa
Maasai and old guy
The Captain and Bob and Charles
Darwin in North America
Bob, Charles, and Mike
Mike Leatherbee
July 16, 2014
Lauren and Jason's relationship continues to evolve
Bob, Lauren, Jason, Wendy, and Charles
June 28, 2014
Jennifer, Charles, Bob
Darwin in South America
Huilo Huilo
December 6, 2012
Love evolving
Charles and Nicole
Darwin and friends
Hadas Del Lago
Puerto Fuy, Chile
December 9, 2012
Making friends with the hadas
Nicole and Andres
Darwin and friends
Hadas Del Lago
Puerto Fuy, Chile
December 9, 2012
Charles with Stanford in Santiago
California meets England in Brazil
Robert, Roberto and Charles
Darwin in Australia
The ferry from Bruny
Darwin and friends
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Bob, Chuckie, and Ben
with Ben Masterman
Mount Wellington, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Bob, Chuckie, and the lighthouse keeper
Darwin and friends
Bruny Island Lighthouse, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Bob, Charles, Sarah, and Tonia
Black Sugarloaf, Tasmania
September 8, 2015
Darwin makes a new friend in Hobart
Marguerite, Roger, Charles, and barrel
Papua New Guinea
Robert, Joyce, Nancy, Charles, and Charles
On July 16, 2015, Nancy met an untimely death in an motor vehicle accident in New Jersey
She left a deep imprint on the world and will be sorely missed.
Darwin and New Guinean
The geezer and the geyser
Three warriors
Darwin Day
Darwin Safari blog
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modified: December 27, 2019
created: Feburary 8, 2014 (from darwinplaces.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.